FLAIR Nasal Strips

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In stock. Get as soon as Feb 10 (depending on ship to location and method).
FLAIR Nasal Strips are proven to reduce airway resistance during exercise. FLAIR Strips support the nasal passages during exercise and improves the horse's airflow when oxygen is needed most.

  • Self-adhesive strips
  • Promotes optimum respiratory health
  • Helps prevent fatigue related injuries such as Exercise-Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage (EIPH)
  • Protects the lungs from injury and promotes optimal athletic performance
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    Unlike humans, horses can only breathe through their noses. As horses begin to breathe hard during exercise, the soft tissue overlying the nasal passages are sucked in, reducing the airway diameter. This reduction in diameter causes greater resistance of airflow into the lungs. Use these nasal strips to help alleviate this problem.

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    FLAIR Nasal Strips
    FLAIR Nasal Strips